The Green Industry Around the World

Your Name: Kevin Maruca

Business Name: Paysagiste Maruca 2012

Years in Business:10 years and counting

Where You Are Located: Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Why did you get into this industry?

ANSWER: A friend of mine got me a summer job. Then I discovered my passion and stuck with it. I also always loved working around the house ever since I can remember. I would always mow my family-members’ yards as a kid.

What’s the demand for lawn care in your area like? What’s the demand like now compared to 10 to 20 years ago?

ANSWER: There is a large demand considering all the landscaping companies we have around here. The demand will always be there and keep growing as people get older.

What’s the perception of the industry and those who work in the industry?

ANSWER: From what I can see and feel is some people don’t take us too serious since we don’t really have what they call an education. Most people I’ve met in the industry are people who love what they do.

How has the industry changed the last 10-20 years?

ANSWER: A lot fancier equipment.

Where do you see the industry in your area headed in the next few years?

ANSWER: I think there will be more regulations such as using more electric equipment and probably some sort of permit/certificate for us workers.

Is the market saturated with competition? Why or why not?

ANSWER: Yes, there is a lot of landscaping companies around. Some come and go but in general there a lot. It’s an easy business to start since there’s not many regulations.

What’s the biggest problem businesses in the industry face?

ANSWER: The fact that there’s no regulation, anybody can start their company and prices just always get undercut from there.

Are the rules and regulations on the industry strict or laid back? Explain.

ANSWER: Very laid back, unless you’re offering lawn treatments (weed control).

How would you rate the industry’s professionalism?

ANSWER: 7/10

Describe your average day from getting to work to leaving work.

ANSWER: Once I’ve planned my schedule for the day and know what I’m doing, I load my truck up with all the necessary tools. There’s the stressful part of getting the job and quoting for the work, but once I’m actually on the job site getting the job done I seem to forget about all that. I really get into my bubble, my passion and offer my clients the best that I can do. Somedays I learn something new to better myself, other days I push myself to do more. But at the end of the day I drive back home happy, grateful and proud of myself knowing today was a good day.