Positioning Your Company for Success

This presentation covers the three steps to success. A solid work ethic is important, but working hard may not be the only answer. What needs to be in place to achieve & exceed your goals? A few topics include knowing why you charge what you charge, marketing the right message to the right client, and value selling verses cost selling. 1 – 3 Hours

I did it, so can YOU!

This presentation covers the mistakes and assumptions that I made in attempting to grow my business. Why I did it that way and why I changed. You can do anything you want to if you put your mind and most importantly, your heart into accomplishing your goals. I went from a failing business to being rated as a Top 10 business in August 2002 by Landscape Management magazine by changing just three things in my business. 1 Hour

Bidding & Contracts – Your Key to SUCCESS

This is always very well received and a huge favorite. This presentation covers a simple, accurate and professional methodology on how to calculate costs per hour of operation for your company, how to utilize that information to develop a successful bidding and proposal process and implementing an effective service agreement for both you and your client. This is an excellent business workshop.
1.5 – 3.5 Hours

Snow & Ice Management – Don’t let your profits melt away!

This presentation includes all aspects of operating and managing a snow & ice management business. A few topics include calculating actual cost to do the job, choosing the right ice melter, who’s first & why, bidding & proposals, what needs to be in and out of your contract and why, documenting the storm, estimating time & material, choosing the right ice melter and much more. This is an excellent business workshop.
1.5 – 3.5 Hours

Growing a Profitable Business starts with a solid foundation

This presentation includes the many aspects of operating and managing a successful and profitable business. Successful businesses must have a solid foundation to stand on. Topics include Bidding, Contracts, Goals, Pride, Professionalism, Marketing, Advertising and Professional Selling. This is an excellent presentation and works well for a business workshop.
4 – 6 Hours

Service Agreements & More – Contracts are not a hook!

This presentation includes all aspects of utilizing an effective service agreement. A service agreement is not a “hook” for your client. Rather a written way to protect you, your company and your customer from the I thought you were “gonna’s” faced on a regular basis by contractors. This is always a very interactive presentation.
1 – 1.5 Hours

Marketing & Advertising

This presentation includes successful principles & techniques that helped our lawn & landscaping business grow from nine accounts in 1979 to being rated as a Top 10 business in August of 2002 by Landscape Management magazine.
1 – 2 Hours

Customer Service – It not what you say & do, but how you say and do it!

This presentation includes several key elements to customer service and satisfaction. The common confusion of customer service verses what we think is enough. How to not only meet, but also exceed what your customer thought they were buying. You don’t have to paint the sky too blue to create a long lasting relationship with your clients.
1 Hour

Employees – Are you making it harder than it has to be?

This presentation covers principles and techniques to hire the right person the first time. Too many times, contractors look for someone just breathing. Learn why hiring slow and firing fast makes sense. Training, education and knowledge for everyone will help you maintain a more confident, professional and profitable team.
1 – 3 Hours

Pride & Professionalism

Are you proud of your profession or do you apologize for it? This presentation covers principles and techniques to create pride, professionalism and perceived value throughout your company. Perceived value increases profitability.
1 Hour

Value Selling Vs Cost Selling

This presentation covers all aspects of value selling Vs cost selling. What is the difference and why is that important to your company? The answer is not as simple as it seems.  A few items discussed are: What’s the most important aspect in SELLING? (It’s not cost or service) What are the two questions that must be answered in selling to be successful & profitable?  Principles and techniques are discussed that will take your business to the next level. Are you a salesperson or an order-taker?  What are the key ingredients to successful selling?  This is a very interactive presentation.
1 – 3 Hours

Customer Satisfaction or Loyalty, what’s more important?

Not such an easy answer is it? It appears that one would not exist without the other. However, they both exist independently. They are both very important but can your business thrive without both? I’ll share many of my experiences over the past 36 years that have molded our answer as to what is more important and why! This is a very educational, interactive and fun presentation with nearly everyone getting involved along the way.
1 Hour

These are only a few of our topics of discussion. A complete list of topics can be downloaded on this page. A few include know why you charge what you charge, capturing the commercial market, image, delegation, diversification, marketing the market, leaf removal, manage by design and many more. Presentations and the length of the presentation can be customized to fit your particular needs. You can combine different topics of discussion to fit your educational needs and time requirements.

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